Understanding Karma: What It Is and How It Works


Karma is a concept that originated in ancient India, and it is a fundamental principle in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is often described as the law of cause and effect, and it is believed that every action we take has a corresponding reaction. Good actions are said to lead to good karma, while bad actions are said to lead to bad karma.

Karma is not a system of punishment or reward, but rather a natural law that governs the universe. It is believed that karma can affect our lives in both positive and negative ways, and that we can create our own destiny by choosing to act in accordance with the law of karma.

There are many different interpretations of karma, but the basic principle is that our actions have consequences. If we want to create a positive future for ourselves, we need to make choices that will lead to positive karma.

12 Laws of Karma

The 12 laws of karma are universal laws based on the principle of cause and effect. These laws maintain that we get back what we put out into the universe, for better or worse. Understanding the 12 laws of karma can incentivize you to live a more mindful life.

1. The Law of Cause and Effect. This law states that every action has a corresponding reaction. Whatever thoughts, words, or actions we put out into the universe will eventually come back to us. 2. The Law of Creation. This law states that we are responsible for our own reality. We create our own destiny by the choices we make and the actions we take. 3. The Law of Humility. This law states that we must accept responsibility for our own actions. We cannot blame others for our problems or our circumstances. 4. The Law of Growth. This law states that we are constantly evolving and growing. We learn from our mistakes and our experiences, and we become wiser and more compassionate as we grow older. 5. The Law of Responsibility. This law states that we are responsible for our own thoughts, words, and actions. We must be mindful of the impact that our actions have on others. 6. The Law of Connection. This law states that we are all connected. We are all part of the same universe, and we are all affected by the choices that we make.7. The Law of Focus. This law states that we must focus on what we want to achieve in life. We must set goals and work towards them with determination and focus. 8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality. This law states that we must give back to the world. We must be kind and compassionate to others, and we must help those in need. 9. The Law of Here and Now. This law states that we must live in the present moment. We cannot change the past, and we cannot control the future. We can only control the present moment. 10. The Law of Change. This law states that the only constant in life is change. We must be willing to change and adapt to the ever-changing world around us. 11. The Law of Patience and Reward. This law states that good things come to those who wait. We must be patient and persistent in our pursuit of our goals. 12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration. This law states that we all have the power to make a difference in the world. We can inspire others and make a positive impact on the world around us.

The 12 Laws of Karma Will Change Your Approach To Life

That’s a heavy load of laws to absorb at the moment. I’ll leave with some thoughts on Law #5: The Law of Responsibility.  

The only way to bring peace in the world is to find peace within. What is happening in your outside world is a refection of what is happening within. That may be a difficult truth to swallow. I get that. Once you wrap your head around it, you’ll see it as very accurate. We each need to take ownership of the world around us.  Only when we can take ownership can we then change it.

Think about the decisions you have made in your life in the last few years. Did you take ownership to create more peace in your life? If you don’t have a resounding YES to that question, that’s okay. You can start today. 

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About the author

In 2019, Rachel earned her certification in mindfulness instruction and facilitation from Mindfulness Without Borders. Her passions include practicing mindfulness as an effective approach to optimal mental health.