Our Complicity in Crimes Against Humanity.

Two weeks ago I posted a blog entitled Modern Day Slavery. My intention behind it was to bring awareness to that ugly truth that vulnerable human beings, specifically children, are being exploited right in your own backyard. In every country, in every town, and not just figuratively but literally underground.

In my recent post I asked this rhetorical question:

Is our naivety and lack of awareness being interpreted as consent to what is happening?

This week I have learned the answer is YES.  SILENCE falls under the legal definition of IMPLIED CONSENT. 

My post the week before Modern Day Slavery was titled “In the End”. Does It Really Matter. It was a tribute to the life and mysterious death of Linkin Park’s vocalist, Chester Bennington. To avoid censorship, I had a number of links buried within the post to help connect the dots should readers consider the very real possibly that nothing is ever what it seems.   

The suppression of truth on mainstream social media platforms has been exceptionally difficult for me. Having my voice suffocated by censorship physically makes my throat tighten up as if I’m being strangled. I’ve spent some time in Twitter jail and have had posts removed within mere seconds of posting them on Facebook.  

This is forced silence. This is implied consent.

The intent behind Simple Truths by Rachel was to bring hidden truths into the light.  Sure, ignorance is bliss.  However, once you have stumbled onto awareness, it’s a question of whether or not you choose to consent with your silence.   

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